End All Unhealthy Relationships, Whether They Are Platonic or Not If you’re too emotionally drained from hanging out with toxic friends, or mired in a relationship that’s going nowhere, resolve to get yourself out of them as soon as possible. That’s the plan +Charlotte Millot of Gotham, NY chose for herself this year: “I have resolved to end any relationships that are not healthy, supportive, or functional,” she says. She also resolves to stop looking for The One. Wait, what? “The relationships that have been the most meaningful were not the ones that I found,” Charlotte explains. “They just sort of happened. I usually tend to be living my life, enjoying myself... and then one day, I get hit over the head by someone I simply have to be with, who also has to be with me. Our hearts do the dance, and we both take it from there.” How to get started: Put the focus on doing anything and everything to make yourself happy — and busy — starting on January 1. Take that photography class you’ve been thinking about, play with your pooch at the nearby dog park every Sunday, or join a volunteer group and get to know your neighbors while doing things that benefit your community together. Just set a schedule that includes activities you normally don’t do, and stick to it.
Get Back On The Horse (Dating), That Is! This one seems obvious, but it bears repeating. If you’re suffering from a broken heart, the best way to mend it is to get out there and date other people. That’s what +MaryAnn Lowry is doing — which is no small feat after the end of her 31-year marriage. “I had my last official date in 1975. I never forgot how to ride a bike, so using hypothetical reasoning, it can be assumed that I didn’t forget how to behave on a date and earn a nice kiss on the lips by the end of the evening,” says MaryAnn. How to get started: If it’s been decades since you handed anyone your number, asking friends to set you up with someone is one way to ease yourself back into the dating pool while avoiding the bars and clubs. However, if it’s a particularly toxic ex you’re hung up on, sharing your woes with a therapist might help speed the healing process before you start dating someone new. Whichever route you choose to take, be sure to avoid your usual haunts; pick places you’ve never been to before when arranging to meet dates for the first time; not only will it help you keep your private haunts sacred, it will also reduce your chances of running into a former flame. And if you’re suddenly single in midlife, take heart: According to current U.S. Census data, one-third of all adults aged 46-59 were single in 2010; you have more contemporaries out there to date now than you might have had in your 20s and 30s.
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